Will there still be schools and teachers in the future?

on Wednesday, September 7, 2011

People have been thinking about the future lately. What will happen, and what kind of world will it be. Some people predict that there won’t be any schools and teachers anymore in the future. But people opinions are different, so there might be a chance that schools and teachers will stay the way they are on the future. It is also called “Future” because it’s something that we can’t perfectly predict.

Is it true that school and teacher aren’t really needed? Well, it’s true that there are people who can study with just a book. They don’t need any teacher, who might even slow their study progress because of some reasons. But there are also people who will study more easily with a teacher. There are even some people who can’t study at all without teacher’s help. So teachers actually give a lot of helps.

Teachers and schools have other important role too. Human is always changing; they changed from a little baby to a big adult. Their mind changed from a spoiled, childish kid mind to a mature adult mind. So is their dream (of future job) and ambition. One of the other school functions is to help the students to choose their future job. Beside, if the student doesn’t go to school and study on their own, they may only want to study the lesson that they think will be useful for them. This won’t be good for them, because the other lesson that they didn’t study might be useful in the future.

To conclude, I think that schools and teachers existence is quite important.  With so many good things that teacher and school could give us, we can’t say that school and teacher won’t be needed in the future.